The logo for the sandy area chamber of commerce supporting business , growing community.

Member to Member Discounts

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Member to Member Discounts

Busy Bee Catering


Visit Cafe Aria in Welches Rendevous Center Highway 26
Purchase any fresh Busy Bee pastry and mention you are a chamber member. You will receive a complimentary Stumptown house coffee. Sinfully delicious cinnamon rolls, heavenly scones, incredible cookies. Visit often!

Cherokee Designs

10% off any graphic work (logos, brochures, postcards, posters, etc.)

D31 Be Bold

1 Free Parkour class for you or a gift certificate to share with a friend.

Frank Saniti, Jr.Painting Inc.

15% off services

Pacific Northwest Epoxy & Coating Supply

7.5% Discount on Consumable Material Purchases.

Sanders Automotive

$5 off oil change service – 10% off any repair or service of $50 or more. *Max discount of $200, not to be combined with other offers.

Thank You Partners!

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